Face yoga: 5 anti -aging principles
In summer, face skin needs protection and care special. Let's find out how iPrinciples of Face Yoga can prevent and reduce damage to the skin caused by the sun.
Face yoga o Yoga for the face it's a natural method designed for Improve the appearance of the skin of the face in all seasons. A complete and constant practice of the method helps to take care of your face, body and mind. The result is one healthier, toned, young skin and able to effectively contrast the negative skin effects caused by the summer sun.
Facial yoga is practiced independently following the education of a qualified instructor.
The 5 fundamental principles of Face Yoga
The face yoga is based on the combination of 5 fundamental principles.
1. Facial exercises
2. Facial massages
3. Digrescessione
4. Facial relaxation
5. Holistic Wellness
1. Facial exercises
Are exercises of muscle toning. A tonic muscle is responsible for a toned skin, smoother and less tending to the formation of wrinkles.
2. Facial massages
These are two types of massages: deeper, which promote the blood circulation and lighter, which promote the lymphatic circulation. The result is an increased contribution of nutrients, oxygen, collagen and elastin, which determine a skin and a healthy face, bright, elastic, young and well drained.
3. Digrescessione
It is an ancient oriental technique that offers benefits to health and beauty, through muscle relaxation and the promotion of blood circulation.
4. Facial relaxation
Learning to relax the face muscles is of fundamental importance to obtain a Relaxed face, smooth and open features.
5. Holistic Wellness
To feel and appear to the best inside and outside of you it is essential that you take care of All aspects of your well -being: L'diet, The sleep, The movement, the protection and the nourishment of your skin. All factors that crucial the results of yours Face Yoga routine.
How facial yoga helps prevent and reduce the damage to the skin caused by sun exposure
There Constant practice of Facial Yoga helps the skin to be more healthy, toned, nourished and with less wrinkles, and a skin in an optimal state of health undergoes the damage less caused by exposure to sunlight.
In order to protect the skin from the action of the sun's rays It is essential to combine the right hygiene of exposure to the face yoga.
Summer tips for skin protection
A. Choose the less hot hours to expose yourself to the sun.
B. Use one high solar screen, preferably choosing solar creams dedicated to children or Specific solar creams for the face.
C. Clean the skin with delicate products, such as the Delicate clesing milk by My Miami.
D. spread a aftermath, after each exposure to the sun.
AND. Eating rich foods in vitamins Good for the skin, such as vitamins D, E, C, which protect and prevent damage and irritation.
F. Remember to drink water and remain hydrated.
G. Feel and hydrate the skin with Healthy and delicate products.
Face yoga
Put these in practice Advice and information with discipline and you will see your skin shine and face the impavid and protected summer.
But do not forget to start Your Face Yoga practice and to keep it constant.
For start training with me Follow me on Instagram come on YouTube and participate in one of the my live courses, online or in presence.